Absence and Sick leave fraud

Taking actions with sick leave is very important. When the employee really is sick it is important to put all efforts into a swift recovery. Both parties will gain from that. The government expects the employer also to play an active role regarding sick leave and re-integration.

Sick leave therefore more often is a topic on the agenda to develop policies about. Establishing sick leave policies has a proven preventive effect on sick leave.

When you regardless receive signals that a report of a sick leave of one of your employees might be unreal it is recommendable to take action. More often then not other employees suspect an unreal report of sick leave sooner then you do and unreal reports lead to irritation. To prevent internal turmoil clarity on short notice is essential. It is important for your employees to know that control is an option. Professional inquiries can bring clarity and will have a large preventive side effect.

With investigations and surveillance De Fraude Experts can offer you clarity whether or not the report of sick leave is unreal. Our report of the findings are based on facts and circumstances and applied with photo’s or video material. Of course we will aim at result with which you as employer can take further actions.