Lectures on internal fraude
De Fraude Experts regularly give lectures on internal fraud for business clubs, your own management etc. These lectures are free of costs.
Participants of such lectures receive an animated explanation of how fraudsters operate and where damages for the entrepreneurs occur. Also means and possibilities are suggested which steps any entrepreneur should make to limit the damage in the organization.
In fact the lectures are wake up sessions to make the entrepreneurs aware of the risks they are running. Fact is that the damages by internal fraud in the Netherlands build up to 5 to 6 billion euro annually and it is the entrepreneurs responsibility to diminish these damages. During the lecture we will make sure the subject of internal fraud no longer is a taboo issue and fascinating and educating discussions will be the result.
Does a lecture on internal fraud sound of interest for you then do not hesitate to contact us to discuss the possibilities. You could telephone via +31 33 750 8 775 or contact us via e-mail info@DFEfraude.nl.